January 20, 2016

Breakfast | Le petit déjeuner

January 20, 2016 (020/366)

"All happiness depends upon a leisurely breakfast."
« Tout bonheur commence par un petit déjeuner tranquille »
- William Somerset Maugham

I finally went to the doctor yesterday after a couple of weeks of feeling under the weather. As expected a course of antibiotics were prescribed "to be taken with food with a morning and evening meals" for the next ten days. My "morning meal" usually consists of coffee and a granola bar to go, often eaten around 10:00 am when I finally have five minutes at my desk. 

How strange that one of my favorite things to do when traveling is to linger over breakfast. Who can resist a cup of strong coffee with steamed milk, flaky croissants, bread fresh from the boulangerie, French butter and preserves...? But it isn't only the food that I enjoy; it's also the calm before the busy day begins, a conversation with a companion, or even some time with the newspaper or a good book. Why is it that I don't take the time to enjoy breakfast at home? Morning are always so rushed. Yet, I wonder what it would be like if I set my alarm for 4:30 rather than 5:00 and took the time to start my day right? I'm not sure if Piper and Eric would cooperate, but it does sound nice.

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