September 15, 2017

French Friday: Montmartre

 September 15, 2017 (258/365)

« On a beaucoup moins de voisins dans une ville que dans un village. » ~ Jean-Marie Gourio

Take a stroll with me through the village of Montmartre in Paris' 18th arrondissement. Climb the many steps and wander through the winding streets. Visit the awe-inspiring Sacré Cœur Basilica. Enjoy the musicians, street performers, and artists in the Place du Tertre. Pass by the Passe-Muraille (and it's "cheeky" counterpart! See top right of the photo). Take a picture of "the sinking house" and learn to say « Je t'aime » in 250 languages. Discover a moulin (windmill) or Deux (channel your inner Amélie), maybe even the Moulin Rouge. But above all, be sure to take in the spectacular view! [Photos taken during different trips with different cameras in different light and different seasons.]

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