July 30, 2018


July 30, 2018 (211/365)

"The true measure of a summer well-spent is how many books you've read (and how many empty bottles are in your recycle bin)!" ~ N.C.

"How's your summer going?" --  It's a question that is often posed to educators who are "off" in the summertime. I have spent a lot of time at school, so one could argue that this hasn't been the greatest summer for me. However, a very wise friend has developed her own measure of a successful summer "break" that involves books and wine. By her accounting, 2018 has been quite a good summer for me. There has been a respectable quantity of rosé, unoaked Chardonnay, and lavender cider bottles in our bin throughout the summer and I have read several books -- so many that the "To Read" shelf of my Goodreads account is dwindling fast.

Here's the rundown of what I've read so far:

Any suggestions -- wine or books -- to make my summer even better?

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